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Carla Zuzarte

The interior decoration space your home needs.


Monday to Friday

Opening Hours

10am to 1pm | 2pm to 6pm

Opening Hours

Riverside Building, Shop 2

Architecture and Interiors

Architecture and Interiors

Our team offers expert guidance and will accompany your project whenever needed, providing timely services from concept to completion.

Design & Decoration

Design & Decoration

Here you will be given the best possible advice to make decisions that align with your desires and expectations.

Carla Zuzarte

“I want accomplish all the things that I believe I can create. It’s not about what it looks like, it’s how it makes me feel.”

Transform your home into an even more inspiring space.

Live in one of the most special places in the city.

And experience the pleasure of choosing between restaurants or local shops, between art centres or green spaces.